Things You Should Know Before Taking Your Dog on Vacation


Taking Your Dog on Vacation

You are planning a vacation trip, and you want your dog to go with you on this trip. Like us, our pets also need some relaxation and refreshment from their daily hectic life and what can be a better idea than a vacation trip? I always prefer taking my dog along with me when I am on a vacation trip. If you are thinking of doing the same, there are certain things you should know before you go ahead with this.
You may not easily find a hotel that allows dogs in their premises as most of them do not. There are still many hotels and places where you will find separate accommodation for dogs and pets. You can find information about these hotels on the internet. It is not too hard to find a dog friendly hotel in a tourism city, but the real problem comes in fulfilling the terms and conditions of pet friendly hotels. Let's discuss some rules for keeping pets in a pet friendly hotel.

Dogs - A Kid's Best Friend

Dogs - A Kid's Best Friend

Panic and fear were written all over her face, as the four year old screamed and jumped up on the couch. My husband and looked at each other in confusion. It never occurred to us that a child would be terrified of a small quiet sheltie. Our dog looked at us wagging his tail as confused as we were. Her parents were apologizing trying to explain their daughter's strange behavior. We vowed then to make sure that any child we had would never be afraid of pets. We truly believe that the most well balanced kids come from families with pets.
My husband and I both grew up surrounded by pets. We got our first dog together two months before our wedding. Fuzz is a great dog and he fell in love with our daughter when she was born. He would guard over her and kiss her feet. He always wanted her in his line of vision. He was tolerant of her pulling his tail and her squeezes. We taught her how to be more gentle and loving towards pets.
When our daughter turned two we added a German Shepherd puppy to our family. Our daughter's first friends were her dogs.

Most Popular Dog Breeds: The Magic Five

Most Popular Dog Breeds

Choosing the right kind of dog to take on as a pet is very important. Not a lot of people know that different breeds have different temperaments. Some breeds might not be suitable for homes with children, while others would be perfect. In this article, I have outlined five of the most popular dog breeds there are. These are the breeds that most families have because these dogs have very good temperaments, and are also very good with children.

• Beagle - the beagle is in the category of small to medium dogs. Their coloring is primarily white with black and brown areas. The beagle has a very mild temperament and is wonderful with children. They do not require much exercise, but they are very prone to gaining weight. Another factor that might have added to the beagle's popularity would be Snoopy, a very popular character in a comic strip.
• Golden Retriever - these dogs were raised to become hunting dogs. But because of their excellent temperament, they were domesticated and became wonderful pets. There are different types of Golden Retrievers, but they all exhibit the same eager-to-please attitudes. Grooming them should be done weekly to minimize shedding.

Ten Important Things Your Dog Wants You To Know

Ten Important Things Your Dog Wants You To Know

If your dog could talk, these are some of most important things she would like to tell you...
1 - My life will probably only last 7 to 14 years.
It will hurt me more than you know if I have to be away from you for longer than a day or two.
2 - If you have patience with me and give me time to learn what you would like from me, I can promise you, you will never be disappointed.
3 - Trust me with your life and have faith in our future together.
If I don't feel that you honestly believe in me, I will suffer great emotional stress. My sense of self-worth is totally dependent upon your confidence in me.
4 - Don't stay mad at me for long or confine me to a cage to punish me.
You have your friends, your job, and your recreation. I HAVE ONLY YOU!

Top Five Dog Grooming Basics


Dog Grooming

One of the basic requirements of your dog is grooming. Similar to human beings, dogs also want to look their best, but there is difference in time period. Humans need to bath daily even twice a day, while a dog needs to bath twice or thrice a week. However, the breed and kind of coat the dog has matters while grooming.
Following are some of the basic tips of grooming:
Dogs love brushing. It has two benefits. Firstly, it develops a good bonding between you and your dog. Secondly, brushing helps to improve blood circulation which finally results in healthy coat. However, the volume and texture of the hair differ from one dog to another and so the grooming tools.
Canine with long hair require brushing on a daily basis to prevent tangling and matting. Dogs with medium length hair have less chances of developing tangles. So, they should be brushed and combed a minimum of once a week. Dogs having short hair should be brushed once or twice a month. However, if you have time and your dog enjoys brushing, brush daily irrespective of their hair types.

Getting a New Dog - Things to Consider When Selecting a Dog Breed


Getting a New Dog

Diversity in dogs existed even in prehistoric times, with distinct types of families, or "breeds," arising among their wolf ancestors 3,000 to 4,000 years ago. You may be surprised at how many different dog breeds are available today. It is estimated that there are over 400 different breeds of dog in the world, but this doesn't take into account the various mixed breed dogs that are rapidly being bread and given a breed name.
It's true that some breeds are better suited to a household with children than others, but each individual dog will have its own traits and characteristics. There are some breeds are not recommended for people with allergies. For high-energy breeds, a daily walk of an hour and vigorous play may be required. Your best bet would be to spend a great deal of time investigating the different dog breeds.
Choosing a dog breed may not be an easy task, but when you are through with this phase be sure you will really enjoy adding a new member to your family and all the experiences that come along with it. Each dog breed requires different demands, so researching characteristics of breeds is essential prior to selecting your puppy.

Dental Care for Your Dog Is Important to Overall Health


Even the most scrupulous owner can inadvertently neglect their dog's dental care. Many people think that because the dog has plenty of chews, this will keep their teeth clean. Although dental chews do help, they cannot be counted on to provide all the dental care needed. The dogs I have shared my life with have had a wide range of dental needs. Pupper, our Great Pyrenees had the cleanest, whitest teeth imaginable. We attributed this to her habit or running long blades of saw grass through her teeth; this evidently acted as a kind of super dental floss and she never had a speck of plaque or tartar.
On the other hand, my French Bulldog Gabby had the worst teeth imaginable. We got her as an adult and when we took her in for a checkup, we found out that she needed not only a cleaning, but the removal of 7 teeth. Only a few weeks after the cleaning her teeth were already getting coated with plaque again, although she was an enthusiastic gnawer of chew hooves. The removal of the 7 teeth, incisors, a canine, and a molar did not present any problems with eating.

Extreme Dog Sports

It was sort of an experiment at first, according to Naish, who is a student at Reading University. But the first excursion out into the water at Sidmouth, Devon, England inspired Naish to really try to turn his dog into a "surf hound." Apparently, Jack Russells really are the best dogs for learning new tricks!
In San Diego, they make a regular event of taking dogs out on surfboards, and the proceeds go to the local Police Department Canine Unit. The Loews Hotel competition winner gets a vacation for themselves and their pet, while the thousands of spectators get to enjoy the view of dogs decked out in all kinds of swim gear, including shades and bikinis, in some cases.
The dogs must wear mandatory life vests as well as ID tags.

Is a Dog Adoption on Your Agenda? How to Find the Perfect Woofer!


So you'd like to add a canine member to your household. When you plan a dog adoption, you're far more likely to find the best dog for your situation. Let's say you're older and live in a small apartment?you probably want to adopt a smaller, less active breed who will not require the amount of exercise, such as a more rambunctious Irish Setter will. On the other hand, if you've got a fenced backyard, lead an active lifestyle, and your household includes 3 kids, the Setter might be a great choice. So, your first step in pursuing a dog adoption should be to choose a breed or mixed-breed dog of a size and temperament that matches your needs, as well as those of your new pet.
Once you've decided on the size and type of dog, start looking through the classifieds, visit the Humane Society and other dog adoption organizations to take a look at some of these cuties. It's true that a younger dog (12-16 weeks) is usually a better bet in avoiding potential behavioral problems, with respect to socialization and learned bad habits, just as with people, each dog has a unique personality and natural tendencies towards mellowness, aggressiveness and everything in between. Become familiar with a number of dogs in order to gain a sense of a dog most likely to fit in to your home environment.

Why Dogs Fear Noises

We've all seen dogs whimper, tremble, or dive under the bed or hide in the closet when the fireworks go off on the 4th of July, or when there is a thunderstorm. You might never know why he or she has become afraid of such loud noises. Dogs have very sensitive ears and they might hurt. It could be separation anxiety along with the noise. You can do something to lessen his fear. If you don't step in and make things better, they might become even worse.
There are two - shall we say "normal" - behaviors for when a dog becomes frightened because of a loud noise: trying to escape and run away, or, doing something destructive. Both behaviors are you dog's effort to reduce his fear.
A side effect of your dog's escape or destroy reaction to loud noises is that he might begin to associate other things in his environment with the loud noise and makes a link in his mind that the loud noise and the "thing" are somehow related, so he then becomes afraid of that "thing." For example, if your dog is afraid of firecrackers, and your husband is the one in the back yard who is creating this loud sound, your dog might begin to fear your husband or the yard itself.

Should You Buy A Chihuahua ?

If you watch televesion, you've probably seen celebrities like Paris Hilton toting around tiny dogs whit big poppy brown eyes.These Dogs, called Chihuahuas, are one of the smallest dogs breeds in the world. the Chihuahua first appeared in mexico and does well in warmer climates. Of course, a doggy sweater can make one of these little dogs fell warm and cozy during winter months

The Chihuahua weights in as a lightweight at one to six pounds and stands only about five inches high. These small dogs come in a wide range of colors, although tan or black and tan dogs are most common. They have prick ears, an alert expression, and big, slightly poppy eyes. This breed has both short haired and long haired  varieties.

How to Train Your Dog to Be Good and Follow Orders

The dog training professionals agree that the best way (and certainly the most humane) to do dog obedience training is through the use of positive reinforcement training. This phrase refers to the use of positive reinforcement - rewarding good behavior and ignoring unwanted behavior.
This method stands in stark contrast to outmoded dog training methods which included inhumane measures. Trying to force your dog to change behavior under intimidation or pain is not longer a method to train your dog.
Dog obedience training with positive reinforcement works very well with dogs. Remember that your dog has a natural inclination to try to please you - which makes positive reinforcement effective.

How Do You Know What Your Dogs Saying?


Dogs are certainly one of the most popular pets in the planet. Who wouldn't fall in love with a dog? They are known for their loyalty and their ability to have fun. Whereas cats will lie down by your feet and have themselves scratched to the point of sleeping, dogs will engage you with their different antics and games. However, in order to have a good and meaningful relationship with your pet doggy, it is important that you are able to communicate with him and understand much of his behavior. After all, dogs, just like humans, have their own individual personalities.

Know His Bark
Just as we humans use different tones when speaking to other people, so do dogs have different barks. That is why it is important for you, as a dog owner, to be familiar with your dog's different barks.

How To Keep Your Dog Healthy And Happy


Our dogs have been the source of many great times, much love, protection, and companionship. It is our job and they look to us to make sure that they are cared for, fed, and kept as healthy as we possibly can. The health and happiness of your dog is very important to you, therefore, we have provided you with the following information to help you understand different aspects of a dogs health and you can keep them protected from accidents and health related issues.

Fleas & Ticks
We've all had contact with them. Fleas and ticks. What you may not know is that they can pose a serious health risk to your dog and to you. Fleas have been known to carry a wide variety of other parasitic organisms, for example, tapeworms. They can also cause a host of other problems including anemia, hair loss, infections and allergic reactions.

Bring Home a New Puppy


So you got a new puppy? Oh how exciting! Purchasing a new puppy can be a great experience for you or your whole family.
I have been a breeder for the last 15 yrs so I have a little experience when it comes to owning a dog/puppy.
The first and most important thing is be prepared for your puppies homecoming. Knowing what to purchase, could be a little overwhelming. Here is a list of items that are essential:
Food. Talk with your breeder and find out what your puppy has been eating. It is very important not to make any changes to your puppies diet, this could cause bowel issues. And the last thing you want is a puppy with soft stool.